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  • What are the other options to create a new account?
    - BuzzBot current version allows you to make ads for your Facebook pages and Instagram accounts only. Without connecting BuzzBot to your Facebook account, we will not be able to get permissions needed to allow you make ads using BuzzBot
  • What kind of access permissions do you get after connecting to my Facebook account?
    - BuzzBot requests advertiser access (create ads and view performance insights) to your Facebook page to allow you to make ads on your page - BuzzBot will not be able to post any content on your page or interact on your behalf with your customers
  • How can I sign up/create an account on BuzzBot?
    - BuzzBot current version offers you the option to sign up using your Facebook account only. - In case you signed up before, click on Login button and enter the username and password you entered when creating your account
  • Where do I find my password?
    - You will be asked to create a password after you connect your Facebook account to BuzzBot - You will be requested to confirm the password you created - BuzzBot will never ask for your Facebook, Instagram or any other password
  • After connecting my Facebook account, I can’t find my business page? And How do I get them to show on this list to connect them?"
    - After you connect your Facebook account to BuzzBot, you should find a list of Facebook pages that are managed by the Facebook profile logged in Facebook application. - In some cases, your Facebook page will not show on this list for on the following reasons: A. The Facebook profile logged on Facebook is not the admin profile managing your business page - Using the same mobile phone, you are using to connect BuzzBot to your Facebook account, you need to make sure the profile that’s logged in Facebook is your admin profile you use to manage your business. B. You are not an admin on the business manager created to manage your Facebook page/Instagram account. This happens only in case someone created a business manager for creating ads on your page/account without making you an admin or you had a social media/marketing agency handle manage your page and create ads on your behalf without making you an admin on this business manager- You need to refer back to the person/agency who created your business manager and ask them to invite you as an admin on Facebook business manager. C. You only own an active Instagram account with no Facebook page for your business- You have to create a Facebook page for your business, once you create the page you will be able to connect your active Instagram account to this page- You don’t need to post content on the page or brand it in any way if your business is managed completely through Instagram, you can just make all your ads on Instagram platform without the need to post anything on Facebook.
  • What can I do from BuzzBot homepage?
    - After completing sign up process, your home page enables you to access all BuzzBot features like: A. Creating a new ad B. Tracking your active, completed and draft ads C. Recharging BuzzBot wallet D. Navigating between your different businesses if you have more than 1 Facebook page connected to BuzzBot E. Editing your personal/business profile details
  • How can I create a new ad?
    - Click on the (+) sign on the bottom center of your home page screen, you will be able to go through ad creation process - Name your ad so that you can easily track it later - In case you connected more than 1 Facebook page, select the Facebook page you want to advertise for using BuzzBot - Choose the main industry of your business from the drop down list, you can also search for your business/product/service by typing them in the search bar at the top of the drop down list - Choose the product/service you plan to advertise for - Describe your target customer profile: a. Age group - Multiple selection b. Gender - Multiple selection c. Social class - Single selection - Add the locations where you want to show your ad to your target customers, it is always recommended by BuzzBot to select multiple locations for more potential customers to see your ad - Choose your ad objective from the list of objectives shown: a. Website visits: BuzzBot designed this objective to serve businesses with external website/online store. BuzzBot recommends choosing this objective if your products/services are well demonstrated on your website and there is a room for customers to order more of your products/services once they are redirected to your website/online store b. Ad interactions: BuzzBot designed this objective to serve businesses who prefer interacting with their customers on their Facebook page posts. BuzzBot recommends using this objective if you want to increase the number of likes/comments/shares on a specific post on your Facebook page only c. Customer contact: BuzzBot designed this objective to serve businesses who are looking for direct sales through connecting to their customers. BuzzBot recommends using this objective if you want interested customers to get directly connected to you through Facebook messenger or Instagram Direct messages“WhatsApp and call options will be availed soon” d. Ad views: BuzzBot designed this objective to serve businesses who seek more awareness about their products/services. BuzzBot recommends using this objective if you want everyone in your target locations know about your product/service by ensuring your ad appears on their Facebook/Instagram timeline, customers who see your ad will not be prompted to make a specific action yet they can save your ad for later, like your Facebook page or follow your Instagram account depending on their need - Set the start date and end date of your ad, minimum ad duration accepted by BuzzBot is 4 days. Your ad end date will be automatically set to 4 days after your start date, you can extend your ad duration as you wish but you can’t decrease it below 4 days - Select the social media platform where the most of your target customers exist. You can choose 1 platform only “Google will be available soon” - Insert your planned budget for your ad. Each campaign objective has a minimum accepted budget that will show under each ad objective. BuzzBot will not accept budgets below required daily budget/objective, you can either decrease your campaign duration or increase your ad budget for your ad to be approved by BuzzBot - Select the art work to be used for creating your ad. You can either upload it from your mobile gallery or you can simply use art work and caption from existing posts on your Facebook/Instagram timeline - Write/Review the caption that will show on your ad - In case of choosing “Website visits” objective, choose the action needed from customers who will see your ad by choosing from the dropdown list that shows below the art work - If your ad objective chosen is “Website visits”, you will be required to add the link of your website/online store to proceed. Only valid external links will be accepted by BuzzBot in this field “Facebook page links, Instagram account links or any link that ends or will not be accepted in this field - After confirming your ad summary, you can proceed to checkout page where youwill determine the exact cost of your ad - Recharge BuzzBot wallet to pay for your current and upcoming ads using any ofthe following options: a. Credit/Debit cards b. Vodafone Cash c. Aman & Masary - Once you recharge your wallet, click on checkout button and your ad will be submitted for review and will be published within 24 hours from your checkout date
  • Why is there a minimum duration and minimum budget for my ad?
    - As Facebook and Google verified partners, BuzzBot is committed to guiding you while making ads in a way that ensures your ad will get the minimum accepted results. The preset minimum duration/campaign and minimum budget/objective/day guarantees that your ad will show to the right target customers for the right duration, following this rule; BuzzBot ensures your ad results will be within the acceptable range of results no matter how expensive the ads get at the time of making your ad
  • How does the social class question work? I don’t know the social class of the customers use my product/service?
    - Social class question helps BuzzBot determine the right customer for your product/service according to their behavior on Social media channels as follows: - High social class: BuzzBot recommends using this option when your product is an expensive and niche product, the results generated from the ad will be much less than other social classes yet you will make sure your ad will be shown only to customers who appreciate high quality products. BuzzBot will show your ad to customers who aren’t price sensitive, willing to pay more for the same product/service seeking higher quality. Typically, their monthly income exceeds +30,000EGP - Medium social class: BuzzBot recommends using this option when your product achieves a balance between quality and price, the results generated from this option will be more than High social class option yet it will be less than Low social class option, BuzzBot will show your ad to customers who are looking for the best deal for the product/service they are looking for. They favor quality over price yet they would choose a cheaper product/service if your product is highly priced. Typically, their monthly income ranges between 10,000- 30,000EGP - Low social class: Buzzbot recommends using this option when your product is an affordable product that will atrract the attention of customers who are looking for the best deals in the market for a special product/service. Results generated from Low social class option is the highest results as BuzzBot will show your ad to customers who look for the most affordable options for the product/service they are looking for without any limitations. Typically, their monthly income usually falls below -10,000EGP
  • How can I track my active ads? Where do I get the results of my completed ads?
    After submitting your ads on BuzzBot, your ad live results will show under reports section once your ad is approved and started publishing. Once your ad is completed, these reports will show the total ad performance
  • Where will my ad show on the selected platform? And will it show on Facebook page/Instagram account timeline?
    - Your ad placement on the selected platform is decided automatically according to where your target customers are. BuzzBot is programmed to follow your target customers and show your ad to them in the place where they are most likely to see, interact and click on your ad - Your ad will not show on your page
  • How do I know which ad objective best suits my business?
    - BuzzBot avails multiple objectives for you to choose the one that suits your business according to the below guidance: I. Website visits: BuzzBot designed this objective to serve businesses with extrenal website/online store. BuzzBot recommends choosing this objective if your products/services are well demonstrated on your website and there is a room for customers to order more of your products/services once they are redirected to your website/online store II. Ad interactions: BuzzBot designed this objective to serve businesses who prefer interacting with their customers on their Facebook page posts. BuzzBot recommends using this objective if you want to increase the number of likes/comments/shares on a specific post on your Facebook page only III. Customer contact: BuzzBot designed this objective to serve businesses who are looking for direct sales through connecting to their customers. BuzzBot recommends using this objective if you want interested customers to get directly connected to you through Facebook messenger or Instagram Direct messages 1. “WhatsApp and call options will be availed soon” IV. Ad views: BuzzBot designed this objective to serve businesses who seek more awareness about their products/services. BuzzBot recommends using this objective if you want everyone in your target locations know about your product/service by ensuring your ad appears on their Facebook/Instagram timeline, customers who see your ad will not be prompted to make a specific action yet they can save your ad for later, like your Facebook page or follow your Instagram account depending on their need
  • The target locations selected don’t match the ones I chose on themap?
    The target locations selected by you while making the ad on BuzzBot maps are the ones in which your ad will be shown, the address that shows in the summary page reflects the detils of backend communication that happens between BuzzBot and Google maps. BuzzBot team reviews all the campaigns and will reach out to you if your selected location on the map doesn’t match the location in which the ad will be published
  • How can I make an ad that shows on both Facebook and Instagram?
    - Current version of BuzzBot will only allow you to make your ad on 1 platform only, you can create 2 ads simultaneously and choose different platforms so that your ad shows on multiple platforms same time
  • My ad start date is always set to tomorrow? How can I change it to become today?
    After submitting your ad, it has to go through our review process that ensures your ad has no prohibited content, caption has no offensive language and that your ad will show to the right target customers. This causes BuzzBot to take less than 24 hours to review the ad and get it accepted by Facebook for publishing. You can always change the start date to any date you want conditioned that the start date can’t be set to less than 24 hours from your ad creation date
  • What are the artwork formats supported?
    - BuzzBot supports all ad formats, you can select a single image, multiple images and videos to create your ad
  • How can I boost an existing post on my Facebook page/Instagram account timeline?
    - You can choose “Ad interactions” as your ad objective. BuzzBot current version supports boosting existing posts on your Facebook page timeline only. Boosting posts on your Instagram account timeline isn’t supported by BuzzBot in this version of the app.
  • How do I upload multiple images? And how can I arrange them?
    - In case you selected to use media from an existing post, the post art work will be extracted as it shows on your timeline. Pics/Videos order will be kept in the same sequence of the original post - In case you chose to upload art work from your mobile gallery, you can select in order more than 1 pic/video to be uploaded to your ad - If the pics/videos are ordered incorrectly, you can click on the icon at the top right corner on the art work to delete the images and upload them again in the right order
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